Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Parents are not told about Meetings by the Court

This is the answer I received from the CSO. There was no attorney present to represent our rights at the January 2013 meeting.  We were not informed about the meeting- when and where. The judge only heard what the attorneys who want our daughters to stay where they are do not tell him about the true information on their social and medical issues.

Teresa Owen



You are correct at this time the judge has not appointed a new attorney to represent you and David unless we go back in to court for some reason.  I do want to make it clear that there have been no court hearings held without your knowledge.  The only action taken by the court was the Administrative Review held this January then there is another one scheduled for January 2014.  At this time the next scheduled court date is an Administrative Review set for January 2014.  Those are not in court hearings, but they are done administratively by the judge.  If you hire an attorney and they file a motion then the judge can set the date for that motion to be heard before January.  As for getting the court file to the law firm that is not going to happen at this time.  In order for that to occur, the attorney would need to file an entry of appearance which to my knowledge has not happened to date.  I am sure the attorney will know what paperwork she will need to file and if/when she does that we can move forward at that time.    

If you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know. 


Thank you,


This was sent by email on June 26, 2013

 This individual is being investigated for First Amendment violations he is doing to our family and possibly other families.

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